
5.12.2016… Future litter “B”

After an excellent first litter we are planning second for Spring 2017

30.11.2016… Hare

Hunting season is at its peak, zůčastlili we also hunt hares.

Aurora could also acquaint themselves with bringing hare. I was in suspense whether she will bring an adult hare. Without hesitation, she brought him
So we tryTrack trailing 100 m.

3.11.2016… Aurorka has juniorchampion CZ

The weekend of 29 and 30 October 2016 we visited Prague Double Cacib, Aurorka gained junior class very nice judgment on both days! Mr. Frantisek Simek and Vaclav Vlasak: Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB and fulfilled conditions for Czech Juniorchampion.

I am very happy and I am proud of her.

10.10.2016… Dog show Komarom 2016

Great success in Hungary

Aurora Spanilá Jolanta – Hungarian Junior Champion

Innes – Hungarian Champion


5.10.2016… Exhibition and other achievements

Last weekend 24.9.2016 at the national show in Brno
received a beautiful ratings:

Aurora Spanilá Jolanta – Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ

Innes – Excellent 1, CAC,NV, BOB

and other nice meeting with Athos and joint Special club show Předhradí u Skutče 1.10.2016, (Special Breton club show)

Athos Spanilá Jolanta – Excellent 1, CAJC, BOB

Aurora – Excellent 1, CAJC, BOS

Aurorka also scored on exams 2.10.2016 Natural ability exams -Těšany

I.price 220 points

18.9.2016 “Lovely grove”

Nice photo training and walk. For beautiful pictures thank Kristina Plšková.
girls look nice 🙂


24.8.2016… “Eagle mountains”

The term 20.8-23.8.2016 we made crossing ridge of “Eagle mountains”, it was a very nice trip. Gallery here

1.8.2016… First Picardy Spaniel reunion

Wonderfull weekend, litter A Spanila Jolanta together again

Reunion took place on 30-31.7 in the beautiful highlands
a great number 9 out of 10
There was also the father of puppies Sasko vom Hausruck
and stepsister Akira vom Wietesch
We have experienced a lot of fun and we also training with puppies.

I’m very proud of all 🙂 


13.7.2016… Aurora on club T.A.N.

On 9 July the Aurora passed her first exam T.A.N. ability exam and won.

In 6 months age

4.7.2016… Aurora is pointing

Aurora reinforces abilities for pointing
